How the Right Employee Feedback Makes All the Difference
Typically, performance feedback occurs once or twice a year when annual or semi-annual reviews are due. But providing feedback can’t be something done once or twice a year to appease HR if you really want to drive change in your team members.
How many times have you reviewed a team member’s work and felt compelled to point out everything that was missing? As a leader, you are responsible for your team’s results, and it can be tempting to step in and do things yourself. It may positively impact the work right at the moment, but will it help the team member perform better now and in the long run?
How Can Leaders Help Team Members Break Bad Habits?
Understanding how people work and what research has revealed about giving and receiving feedback can help overturn any bad habits the company’s culture has perpetuated — because even how feedback is delivered has to do with organizational culture.
How Often Should Team Leads Provide Feedback?
The first thing you need to know is that feedback must be constant and ongoing; yearly performance evaluations can’t be the only time you tell your team what can be improved and what they’re getting right.
What’s the Benefit of Employee Feedback?
When, where, and how we give feedback has an impact on the receiver. When feedback is given properly it can ultimately drive the success you’re looking for in the team.
To understand more about the research based recommendations for giving constructive feedback when team members need it, start your free 30-day trial of the Transformation Studio today. If you have questions, please contact our team today!
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