Business Consulting Podcasts, Resources, and Blog
Podcasts are great way to learn in the go. Hit play and you are learning from experts. They inspire us and help us see the world in a new way. They are like switches for our brains – suddenly all of the light bulbs come on. Here a few of our favorites. Please listen and explore more podcasts produced by these amazing people and organizations.

Think Fast, Talk Smart

Managing in the Moment

Grit &

Office Hours Podcasts

Psychological Safety in the Workplace


How I Built This

Fighting Bias & Inequality at the Team Level

Design Matters with Debbie Millman

Burton Snowboards: Jake Carpenter

Title Nine: Missy Park
- According to Paul Zak, employees in high-trust organizations are 50% more productive, have 13% fewer sick days, and are 29% more satisfied with their lives. Zak discusses in detail how to create an environment based on trust.
- Changing Company Culture Requires a Movement, Not a Mandate
Amazing HBR article by Bryan Walker of IDEO and Sarah A. Soule of Stanford Graduate School of Business on changing culture. It outlines that the changing culture is a movement. Enjoy. - The Neuroscience of Trust
Creating a culture of trust has far reaching benefits. According to Paul Zak, employees in high-trust organizations are 50% more productive, have 13% fewer sick days, and are 29% more satisfied with their lives. Zak discusses in detail how to create an environment based on trust. - Positivity Matters in Times of Crisis
Shawn Achor’s research focuses on the impact positivity has in the workplace. This article explains why now more than ever fostering an environment of positivity is key to supporting your team members in challenging times. - Tough macho leadership is over. Here’s what’s taking its place
Your team thrives on effective leadership and leadership changing. This article explains that a tough, macho is no longer effective and vulnerable. This is a great read to help you understand how to get the most from your teams. - Re:work
If you haven’t discovered, let me introduce you to an amazing resource to explore human resource management in a new light. While Google is an enormous organization, much of what is featured on re:Work is applicable and relatable to all businesses. Now more than ever, managers need to recognize that success hinges on the people in their organizations; understanding what motivates them, makes them happy to support success is critical.
We Must Be More than Task Managers
You may be used to a task-management approach to leadership: you tell your team what to do and make sure they do it, checking in at many points along the way. While this level of control may make...
Give the Gift of Time When Communicating
Communication is a key pillar of our professional lives. Yet, many of us may not communicate efficiently. If what we write or say is important but lost on our audience because it is confusing or...
Stop Defaulting to Stereotypes of People
How to Stop Defaulting to Stereotyping It can be so easy, almost natural, to make assumptions about others based on things like appearance or education. We humans like to fit things into neat and...
Teaching Moments, Not Terse Meetings
How to Turn Mistakes Into Learning Opportunities When a mistake gets made at work, it can be all too easy to express our frustration with the person who seemingly was in error. As good as it may...
The Benefits of the Right Benefits and Programs
Employee benefits are key to attracting and keeping talent.Why is having good benefits so important? Today looking beyond the traditional benefits and providing whole-person support attracts top...
That Meeting is Costing Money!
Tired of seeing one meeting invite after another pop up in your inbox?How Too Many Meetings Costs the Company Too Much Money Is it possible that your work meetings are costing more than they are...
Supporting and Developing Whole-Person Health in Your Team
When we think of supporting our employees’ health, things like health insurance or paid leave typically come to mind. While these are important benefits to offer, they aren’t enough. Read on...
Rethink Meetings When Going Hybrid
Work has been re-imagined since the pandemic, and a hybrid format is now the norm.While it might be fairly simple for employees to determine which days they work in-person and which days they are...
Productivity Is More Important Than Ever
When the economic outlook locally, nationally, and internationally is dismal, we must find ways to do more with the resources we have.How to Embrace Productivity for Growth See how productivity is...
Turn Disappointment in a Team Member Into a Teaching Moment
How Disappointment Can Lead to Learning Opportunities Here are some considerations surrounding disappointment in a team member. Stepping back when a team member makes mistakes can foster growth...
Organizational Culture Is What You Allow. Shape It To Support Your Values.
How to Shape Your Organizational Culture Into One Everyone's Proud Of You can publish the values and make them public with posters all over the office, but if leadership doesn’t live up to them,...
Ditch The Carrots & Sticks Motivation Method, Take A Purpose-Driven Approach
How a Purpose-Driven Approach to Management Works Best Spending 8 hours a day, 5 days a week at the workplace can become a heavy load, even when you like the people you work with and your tasks....
Disengagement: What To Do In The Face Of Unmotivated Employees
How to Avoid Disengagement & Unmotivated Workers Is your team disengaged and unmotivated? Don’t fire and replace them! The problem could be the culture. Here’s how to uncover the reason, and take...
Let’s Start A Revolution: No More Annual Reviews
How Annual Reviews May Not Be the Best Approach If you want to leverage your team’s talents and help them grow, the old ways of providing feedback are not conducive to driving behavioral change in...
Leading Through Example
If we want more from our team members, we must require more from ourselves.How to Lead Your Team by Example As leaders, we are hoping our team members contribute more, work more efficiently and...
Overworked? Think Delegation
Are you feeling overworked, overwhelmed, and on the brink of burnout? Chances are you can ease some of the burdens by delegating tasks to your team. While it can be hard to let go, we’ve compiled...
How To Give Feedback That Actually Improves Performance
How the Right Employee Feedback Makes All the Difference Typically, performance feedback occurs once or twice a year when annual or semi-annual reviews are due. But providing feedback can't be...
Silently They Sit – Team Members Who Won’t Speak Up
How to Get Quiet Team Members to Speak Up Do you notice certain team members who don’t speak up during meetings? How much valuable insight might you be missing out on because feel comfortable...
Happiness and Work Can Go Together
Work can be a joy. Here's how. You know when you’re traveling and you get asked if you’re doing it for work or for pleasure? Don’t you wish you could say "Yes"?How Happy Employees Help Drive...
The Right Mindset For Innovation
Team members' mindset is key to their growth and development. Here’s how to determine whether your team members have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset.How a Team Member's Mindset Can Lead...