Supporting and Developing Whole-Person Health in Your Team
That meeting is costing money


When we think of supporting our employees’ health, things like health insurance or paid leave typically come to mind. While these are important benefits to offer, they aren’t enough. Read on to lean more about why fostering “whole-person health” in your team is important—and how you can do it.

Why is employee health so important?

Our team members deserve to be whole-person healthy.  They deserve to feel healthy.  Unfortunately, organizations can be a source of stress that can impact many aspects of our team members’ lives.  In the past, this was not seen as an organization’s responsibility. Today, however, “they have a responsibility to support the well-being of employees.”  Going beyond recognizing the responsibility and actually taking action to support employees are two different things.

What is whole-person health?

Whole-person health encompasses many different aspects:

  • Physical health
  • Financial health
  • Mental health
  • Social health

How can business owners go beyond offering health insurance?

Management research has recognized that there is more to supporting team members than providing health insurance and retirement plans.  Today, especially during the pandemic and its aftermath, leaders have to understand that if they want the best from their team members, they have to help set the stage to allow team members to meet their potential.  By providing support for physical, financial, mental, and social health, we can ease the stresses and pressures that team members are focused on and allow them to be more focused and satisfied at work…

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We Must Be More than Task Managers

We Must Be More than Task Managers

You may be used to a task-management approach to leadership: you tell your team what to do and make sure they do it, checking in at many points along the way. While this level of control...

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